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The ideal bedroom (according to Feng Shui)

01 July 2019

The ideal bedroom (according to Feng Shui)

The ideal bedroom (according to Feng Shui)

If there's one place in your home you should Feng Shui, it probably should be your bedroom. Why, you ask? Well, this is a room where you spend approximately one third of your life, where you sleep and renew your body night after night, so you want to make sure you relax and boost your mood in whatever way you can!

Feng Shui layouts may range from person to person. Because sleeping habits, décor interests and other specificities differ from individuals, some of these tips may work wonders for some but not as much for others. Based on your own energy, you will find a layout totally personal to you. However, there are general principles to follow as well as some do's and don'ts when it comes to Feng Shui yourself to sleep.


What is Feng Shui, really?

First, in literal translation, Feng means 'wind" and Shui means 'water". Most people know it as 'the art of placement". However, it's far more than that. It's also vital to have in mind that Feng Shui is a self-learning process; not just a quick 'how do I get what I want" fix.

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) goes back as far as 3,000 years. It's the ancient Chinese practice of creating a balanced atmosphere to ensure the proper flow of energy - or Qi (energy or life force). Using the principles of Feng Shui, you can create a harmonious and peaceful environment throughout your home, promoting health, happiness and prosperity.

In the bedroom especially, Feng Shui can help you find the perfect balance to improve your sleep quality. Here are 8 tips on how to Feng Shui your bedroom:


1. Bed positioning

Balance is hugely important in Feng Shui. To bring equilibrium into your bedroom, make sure your bed is in 'command position". This means it is placed at an equal distance from most walls in your room, so you'll face the door from the opposite side of the room, but you won't be situated directly in front of it. Also, bear in mind unnecessary noises and lights.

Usually, the point diagonally furthest from the door will offer the greatest common position for your bed. Below are 3 general bed guidelines you should consider:

1. Your bed is easily approachable from both sides.
2. Avoid having it directly in line with the door
3. Don't place it under, parallel to, or directly across from a window.


2. Feng Shui-approved plants

The balance of elements like water, earth, wood and fire are significant in our homes. Plants, associated with the wood element, are believed to adjust that balance. For instance, self-purifying plants can filter the air of harmful chemicals, resulting in cleaner breathing air.

Although it's highly healthy to have plants in our home, Feng Shui doesn't necessarily recommend them in the bedroom - at least not more than one plant (and if you're allergic to pollen, maybe skip this one and incorporate earth shades in other ways, such as accent colours on pillows or rugs instead). If you go for the bedroom, maybe try smaller plants.

Where we put our plants can have an impact on your mental clarity. That's why it's important not to create a 'jungle" that overrules your house. Houseplants, terrariums, and driftwood accents should be prudently distributed across different rooms.


3. Natural bed coverings

Think form and function! Try smooth bed linen, including bedspreads and duvet covers. Bedding made from natural materials like Egyptian Cotton™ is preferred, being more breathable and tactile. Also, strive to use ethically made products whenever as possible. Soft, natural bedding will support the most restful and deep sleep by bringing good, positive energy to your bed.


4. Remove electronics

Everyone can agree that the bedroom should be a serene place that invites rest and rejuvenation. In the other hand, electronic devices are well-known to reduce sleep quality and frequently increase insomnia. These two together, simply don't work right. The bright lights of screens suppress melatonin production, making it very difficult to fall asleep.

In Feng Shui, electronic devices like mobile phones and computers are thought to be sources of stress, which can negatively influence your sleep, causing harm to your immune system and mental state. According to Feng Shui experts, you should keep all electronic items outside of the bedroom. And while you're at it, make sure to remove anything from your bedroom that is representative of work - be it a desk, phone, or paperwork.

5. Clean white bedding and a soothing colour scheme

Avoid vibrant colours as the main theme of your bedroom. Also, keep your prints simple and not too dramatic or overstimulating. From pale white to rich chocolate brown, your bedsheets should ideally be 'skin" or flesh tones, since this palette creates a setting where people are able to feel vulnerable and intimate.

Soothing colours help you achieve a good Feng Shui balance in your bedroom. According to this practice, colours such as cream, taupe, peach, beige, yellow, coral/pink, tan or cocoa, are also ideal on your walls.

6. Think in pairs

Make sure everything in your bedroom is in twos, in order to symbolize equilibrium. This best way to do this is with matching bedside tables on either side of the bed, with two lamps on each one and so on. You could also accessorize with two plants on each side, two matching throw pillows on the bed, or two pieces of art on either side. If you decide to display art or photography in the bedroom, remember that hanging a single solitary image will encourage feelings of loneliness and isolation, so always choose positive images.



7. Clear the clutter

No clutter should be lying around ever! The bedroom should be a place of rest, romance, and relaxation - and nothing else. According to Feng Shui, clutter is more than a distracting eyesore. A disorganized environment affects you by increasing stress and impacting your ability of focus and process information.

Because neatness counts where you can't see it as well, don't use the space under your bed for storage and try keeping the inside of your closet tidy. Keep the insides of drawers organized and close them as well as the doors at night. Don't pile books or other items on top of your dresser. Whether it is part of Feng Shui or not, decluttering is definitely a smart thing to do to improve your life.


8. Accessories that nourish the five senses

Decorating for the five senses is a plus! If you want to take Feng Shui one step further, try a sensory experience which aligns and engages with your five senses.


Smell: Try using a few drops of essential oils in a diffuser. Lavender or jasmine are great examples of calming scents, especially before bed. You can also choose candles or cleansing incenses such as sage.

Touch: As we've mentioned above, it's best to go with soft, inviting fabrics in the bedroom. Your bed sheets should feel particularly soft to the skin. We recommend Sateen for sheets, pillowcases, cushions, and even curtains, due to the unquestionable quality of Egyptian Cotton™.

Sight: We previously have mentioned a few ways to make your bedroom look pleasing. Ensuring symmetry throughout the room as well as choosing earthy tones will please your eyes. Also, make sure you find accents that truly speak to you.

Sound: Music really is a strong mood setter, being one of the best ways to bring the sense of sound to your home. For a change, maybe try a small white-noise machine to play soothing tunes.

Taste: While you should avoid food in the bedroom, you always want to make sure to keep a small jar of fruit infused water next to the bed to help you keep hydrated. Place some lemon in there and drink it in the morning for a quick boost.


Because your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home, it should be designed with at least some of these priorities and adjustments in mind. By creating a safe and stable sleeping environment, you'll finally be able to easily nurture your personal development, leaving room only for positive energy to flow freely. Let yourself explore Feng Shui at a comfortable pace and sleep better with these simple bedroom tips.

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